As the oldest and largest national Latino civil rights organization, LULAC is deeply outraged by the long and troubling history of police brutality in the United States and which recent cases have once again awakened our social consciousness. LULAC stands united in action with Black Lives Matter. The pain and sheer injustice that Black communities experience day in and day out cannot be ignored any longer. It must stop now!
LULAC Ohio echoes the sentiments and voices of our national leaders and membership and stands together in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters in these times of grief and mourning. Our Black community is hurting. Our Black brothers, sisters and siblings have been living a reality that we cannot claim to understand. Our goal is not to replace their voices, but rather to uplift them. We acknowledge their pain and must act in solidarity.
LULAC and the National Education Association (NEA) hosted a timely Town Hall on Education Justice with the National Immigration Law Center and the Hope Center for Wellness. This comprehensive discussion on COVID-19 and its impact on Latino students and families was moderated by María Peña, a journalist and digital reporter at Telemundo News.
La Comisión de Asuntos Latinos de Ohio (OCHLA por sus siglas en inglés) tiene un número significativo de recursos bilingües…
A new report published by the Center for Migrant Studies finds that immigrants in the US labor force work at disproportionate rates in “essential critical infrastructure” jobs, as defined by the Department of Home Land Security. The report shows that immigrants are working – often at great risk to their health and lives – to keep Americans safe, healthy, fed, and poised for economic recovery.
After nearly nine-months in intensive care, Guillermo “Memo” Garcia passed away from serious injuries incurred when he was shot on August 3, 2019, in the deadliest anti-Latino attack in modern history. Memo Garcia was a beloved soccer coach in the El Paso community and had been outside of the Walmart store in El Paso, Texas helping with a fundraiser for his daughter’s soccer team when he was attacked. Today he became the latest victim of the tragedy and LULAC honors his memory.
El campeón mundial de boxeo Saul Canelo Álvarez y el actor Mathew McConaughey han creado un anuncio de servicio público titulado “Solo Sigue Viviendo”. El anuncio, narrado en español, promueve el distanciamiento social seguro y va dirigido a nuestra comunidad hispana. En momentos en que los gobiernos comienzan a relajar las medidas de seguridad para reabrir servicios y negocios se hace más apremiante que los ciudadanos continuemos las medidas de seguridad personal y de prevención.
The COVID-19 emergency is clearly highlighting and underlining the severe racial disparities that exist in US society. A new survey from the organization Student Loan Hero confirms that Latino and Black students are struggling at a higher rate during the COVID-19 emergency when compared to other groups.
The new Coronavirus package approved by Congress this week does very little to help Latino businesses. According to an NBC report, many businesses owned by Latinos or other minorities and women secure loans through community lenders, commonly known as CDFIs or Minority Depository Institutions. But despite the vital role these lenders play and the fact that Latino small businesses are driving U.S. small-business growth, the latest coronavirus bill failed to give such lenders a fair shot at the next round of loan money from the federal government.
Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) are calling on Congressional leadership to include protection and financial assistance for farmworkers in future legislation to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. In a letter to congressional leaders, CHC Members make key policy recommendations to ensure future coronavirus related legislation includes protections for farmworkers. Support for farmworkers is vital for our food supply and public health.