Latino farmworkers and US food supply at high risk for lack of safety protection

The number of workers who have died due to COVID-19 at a Colorado meat plant rose to four las week, and a fifth meat worker at a Cargill facility in Fort Morgan has also died of the disease. According to the Colorado Department of Public Health 102 employees at the JBS plant in Greeley have now tested positive for COVID-19, while four have died of the disease. At least three of those deaths have been Latino workers: Saul Sanchez, 78, Eduardo Conchas de la Cruz, 60, and Tibursio Rivera López, 69. The tragic deaths and the outbreaks at this and other meat plants across the country are raising alarms about the safety and the vulnerability of the nation’s food supply and the workers.

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Los Hispanos Contamos

El censo es nuestra oportunidad de contribuir para que haya un mejor futuro en nuestra comunidad. Cada 10 años, los datos del censo ayudan a determinar cómo se distribuyen los fondos federales en nuestras comunidades. Cuando participas en el censo, tus respuestas están protegidas por 72 años y nadie puede compartir tu información personal con ninguna entidad del gobierno, esto incluye ICE, FBI y la policía.

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Governor DeWine signs House bill 197

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 197 which provides emergency relief to Ohioans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor also announced that Ohio is launching a website to encourage Ohioans to continue to support local retailers and restaurants by shopping online, choosing local, ordering carryout from restaurants, and taking virtual tours of well-known attractions around the state.

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