Columbus, Ohio • August, 4, 2020
LULAC Ohio and the NAACP announce the beginning of a new collaborative journey, A Black and Brown Agenda for Equity in Ohio. In memory of John Lewis, we will collectively work to address Equity for Black and Brown and other marginalized communities in Ohio. We hope you join us in the Spirit of John Lewis to not be afraid to make “Good Trouble,” necessary trouble for equity in Ohio. Start by filling out the Census and registering to vote and don’t stop there. Please make sure others register!
Whereas LULAC and the NAACP on July 27, 2020 joined together as members of the Nation’s two oldest civil rights organizations to support the initiatives of each other and other likeminded organizations;
Whereas, LULAC’s and the NAACP’s aims and objectives are consistent and support the desire for social justice for all persons despite their race, creed, color, national origin, or sex;
Whereas, with new Census and required redistricting that took place in Ohio a year later that was of paramount importance to each organization; and
Whereas, each organization proclaimed that its abhorred discrimination against constituents of the other organization;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ohio NAACP and Ohio LULAC continue to acknowledge, support, and urge the following:
- That our units consult and cooperate with each other openly, in reference to matters of common interest including, but not limited to: redistricting; racial profiling; police misconduct and community policing issues; fairness in the criminal justice system; and, ex-offender transitional re-entry needs and recidivism.
- That we recognize and support the concept that in some communities it is appropriate for Voting Rights Act purposes to join individuals together as one community of interest who are of Hispanic origin with those of African-American origin.
- That we continue to support each other in our initiative as required by our partnership to the extent practicable.
- We call upon public officials who are either African American or Hispanic to zealously represent both groups as they do all their constituents; and
- We recognize the continued need to maximize representation of each of our groups on governing bodies and call upon all citizens to recognize that we have a fundamental right to choose who represents us despite their race, creed, color, or national origin.
BE IT RESOLVED that this amended agreement signals a renewed commitment by LULAC and the NAACP to the above declarations.
BE IT RESOLVED that LULAC and the NAACP affirm their commitment to work with allies of all races who believe in and stand for the principals on which their organizations were founded.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that LULAC and the NAACP fully recognize that their members achieve progress through a positive approach and that from civil rights initiatives to scholarships, members make a difference by taking charge and getting things done. While there has been enormous progress, Latino, Black, Asian, Native American and indigenous communities still face a long journey to achieve equality, hence the call for unity finding long-term solutions to equity.
Alicia Pagán
LULAC Ohio State Director
Thomas M. Roberts
NAACP Ohio Conference President
For additional information on this matter, please contact Alicia Pagán via