LULAC Ohio and NAACP mourn together and celebrate American Hero John Lewis

LULAC Ohio shares its deepest condolences at the passing of the beloved Congressman John Lewis. He is remembered as a “Titan of the Civil Rights”, a UNITER of the Human Family, not afraid to make. Our hearts are saddened, and our spirits embolden by his Call to Action, when we see something that is wrong or injustice, we have a moral obligation to Say something …to Do something!

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LULAC Ohio joins Call for Action in Texas and Florida

Across the Nation, during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders at State and local levels have been mostly left alone to fend for themselves in dealing with this health and humanitarian crisis. While some State governors where prompt to react, others didn’t take it seriously enough and people are now suffering the consequences of early inactions. LULAC Ohio stands with our National President Domingo Garcias’ recent Call to Action for the Texas and Florida governors, local, State and National legislators to Act NOW to save lives.

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On the tragic loss of Vanessa Guillen

This is a sad and painful time for Vanessa’s family and the community and we grieve with them in the loss of this beloved daughter, sister and brave soldier. On behalf of LULAC, we want to tell Gloria, Vanessa’s mother and Mayra, her sister, that we will not rest until a full investigation is conducted by the military and changes are made so that this never happens to another soldier.

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LULAC celebrates LGBTQ Victory, Pride Month in the fight for civil rights

On Monday, June 15 the LGBTQ community took a step forward in the protection of their civil rights. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal Civil Rights ACT from the 1960s protects gay and transgender workers against discrimination. As the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization LULAC celebrates this amazing victory, with the additional joy that it takes place during the commemoration of PRIDE month.

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